Thursday thoughts

I have been absent from my blog for quite some time now...apologies. The reason being, that like so many of us, life got in the way. As you may or may not know, I also have a business I run with my husband as well as the slightly challenging task of raising 3 teens and a 10 year old....there's the possibility of a Christmas cat too!

I thought I'd post an update on my writing and what I've found helpful recently. My debut novel is in editing stage which is exciting and also terrifying as I'm sure many other authors can identify with. The book is very personal to me which can be difficult, as I've put my heart and soul into it and of course not every reader will like it. As a notorious glass half empty type of person, any tips on how to cope with potential negative feedback?

As members of the Indie Authors World group that I'm a part of will realize, it's taken me quite some time to finish my book and find the motivation to keep going when life is so busy. Something which really helped me was Tim Clare's "couch to 80k" writing course (@TimClarePoet on twitter). I had access to this through my Novlr subscription, and I believe he is currently working on version 2. The course was really helpful, with different writing prompts each day and the important lesson to stop censoring yourself as you write, or you may never finish what you're working on.

I also find being part of a writers group is helpful, to share what each person's working on, offer and receive advice, encourage each other. The writing exercises offered can also be ideas for writing that you would never have otherwise thought of and be great inspiration.

Looking forward to what 2020 has in store, as I will be focusing more on my writing and finding ways to support other UK Indie Authors. Are you writing at the moment? Would love to hear your about your projects.

So that's it for today, a short post to get back into the way of blogging and share some of my thoughts.


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